


A function is a block of code that is run whenever the function is called within a program.

Functions are declared using the function keyword. For example, we create a function nameddoSomething()by typing:

function doSomething() {
  // the code to do something

The curly braces {…} mark the beginning and end of the function's code block, which is the code run when the function is called. While computers are excellent at spotting the curly braces in a program, sometimes human eyes miss them. That's why it is standard practice to also indent the code in a block, making the code block stand out visually from the code around it.

Functions enable you to reuse your code instead of re-writing it every time, and they also make your programs easier to read and maintain.

Define and Call a Function

In this example, we create a function named drawSandwich() that draws a sandwich. Another standard practice is to give functions descriptive names, so we know what they do, and to write them using camel case, capitalizing each word after the first one.

We start by declaring and defining the function:

function drawSandwich() {;
  context.fillStyle = '#F5DEB3';
  context.fillRect(20, 20, 200, 30);
  context.fillRect(20, 100, 200, 30);
  context.fillStyle = '#663300';
  context.fillRect(30, 50, 180, 50);
  context.fillStyle = '#FFD700';
  context.fillRect(20, 62, 200, 8);
  context.fillRect(20, 80, 200, 8);

Think of a function definition as a recipe. If we put a recipe for a sandwich up on the refrigerator, it doesn't mean there will be a sandwich waiting for us when we get home. We have to tell someone to use the recipe to make us a sandwich.

Right now, we have given the computer a recipe to follow if we ask it to draw a sandwich, but we haven't told it to draw a sandwich yet. To do that, we have to call the function using:


If we step through our program line by line, here is what happens:

First, the computer gets a reference to the canvas and stores it in the global variable canvas.

var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_example1');

Second, the computer gets a reference to the canvas's context and stores it in the global variable context.

var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

Then, the computer looks up and runs our function.


The computer recognizes that drawSandwich() is a function because of the parentheses (), so it searches for the function's definition in the program. It doesn't actually matter where we place the definition in the program; the computer will find it and run the function's code block.

In functions that use the context, it's generally a good idea to save and restore the context at the start and end of the function, respectively.

Quick Reference: Coordinates Variables fillRect() fillStyle save() / restore()

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_example1'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); drawSandwich(); function drawSandwich() {; context.fillStyle = '#F5DEB3'; context.fillRect(20, 20, 200, 30); context.fillRect(20, 100, 200, 30); context.fillStyle = '#663300'; context.fillRect(30, 50, 180, 50); context.fillStyle = '#FFD700'; context.fillRect(20, 62, 200, 8); context.fillRect(20, 80, 200, 8); context.restore(); }
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But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

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Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Challenge 1

What your drawing should look like

Define a function named drawRedSquare(). Inside the function's code block, set the context's fillStyle to '#FF0000' and use the context.fillRect() method to draw a filled rectangle at (60, 40) with a width of 200 and a height of 200.

Then, call the function drawRedSquare().

The context.fillRect() method is simply a function that other programmers have created for us to use. The computer knows where to find its function definition, and it's called a method because it is a property of the context.

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_challenge1'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // DEFINE THE FUNCTION HERE // CALL THE FUNCTION HERE
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But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

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Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Pass Values into a Function

While our function drawSandwich() works, it's not very useful. It is hardcoded to always draw a sandwich with its top left corner at (20, 20). One of the reasons why we place code in functions is so we can use it over and over again without having to re-write it. But calling drawSandwich() more than once will only draw another sandwich directly on top of the first one.

To make the function more useful, we are going to re-define it to draw a sandwich at a set of coordinates we pass it, not just (20, 20). Values passed into a function are called arguments, and they are stored in local variables called parameters.

We add parameters to a function by listing them in the parentheses next to the function's name in its definition:

function drawSandwich(x, y) {
  // code block

In this case, parameter x will store the value of the sandwich's x-coordinate and parameter y will store the value of the y-coordinate.

We then update the code inside the function to draw the rectangles for the bread, meat, and cheese at coordinates based on x and y:

function drawSandwich(x, y) {;
  context.fillStyle = '#F5DEB3';
  context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 30);
  context.fillRect(x, y + 80, 200, 30);
  context.fillStyle = '#663300';
  context.fillRect(x + 10, y + 30, 180, 50);
  context.fillStyle = '#FFD700';
  context.fillRect(x, y + 42, 200, 8);
  context.fillRect(x, y + 60, 200, 8);

There is a much easier way to draw a sandwich at coordinates (x, y) using the context.translate() method, but we will discuss that in the translate() lesson.

Now we can draw a stack of sandwiches by drawing three sandwiches at three different sets of coordinates:

drawSandwich(125, 20);
drawSandwich(20, 130);
drawSandwich(230, 130);

When we call the function drawSandwich() and pass it the arguments 125 and 20, the value 125 is stored in the parameter x and the value 20 in the parameter y.

To learn more about the coordinate system and variables, visit the Coordinates and Variables lessons.

Quick Reference: Coordinates Variables fillRect() fillStyle save() / restore()

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_example2'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); drawSandwich(125, 20); drawSandwich(20, 130); drawSandwich(230, 130); function drawSandwich(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#F5DEB3'; context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 30); context.fillRect(x, y + 80, 200, 30); context.fillStyle = '#663300'; context.fillRect(x + 10, y + 30, 180, 50); context.fillStyle = '#FFD700'; context.fillRect(x, y + 42, 200, 8); context.fillRect(x, y + 60, 200, 8); context.restore(); }
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas
Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Challenge 2

What your drawing should look like

Re-define the function drawRedSquare() with the parameters x, y, and s, where x is the x-coordinate of the square, y is the y-coordinate, and s is the side length.

Then, use the function to draw three squares: the first at (160, 20) with a side length of 50; the second at (40, 80) with a side length of 120; and the third at (70, 210) with a side length of 90.

Editor (write code below)
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas
Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Challenge 3

What your drawing should look like

The function drawTheLetterL() is currently hardcoded to draw a letter L at (100, 50).

Re-define the function using parameters so it will draw a letter L at any set of coordinates passed into it.

Then, draw three letter L's: the first at (20, 120), the second at (110, 70), and the third at (200, 20);

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_challenge3'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); function drawTheLetterL() {; context.fillStyle = 'SlateBlue'; context.fillRect(100, 50, 30, 120); context.fillRect(130, 140, 60, 30); context.restore(); } // DRAW THE THREE LETTER L'S HERE
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas
Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Return Values from Functions

One way to pass values into a function is through the use of parameters. One way to get values out of a function is through the use of return values.

In this example, we define the calculateArea() function, which calculates the area of a rectangle using the values stored in parameters w and h, and stores it in the local variable area. Because area is a local variable, it can't be accessed from outside of the function and it will no longer exist once the function ends. To get the value of area out of the function, we use a return statement.

function calculateArea(w, h) {
  var area = w * h;
  return area;

A return statement inside a function does two things. First, it ends the function even if there is more code to run below it. Second, it can return a value if one is provided. In this case, the calculateArea() function returns the value of area.

To use the calculateArea() function, we call it and store its return value in the global variable area. We can name two variables area in this situation because one is global and the other is local to the function calculateArea(). To learn more about variables and scope, visit the variables lesson.

var area = calculateArea(200, 100);

Finally, we draw the value stored in the global variable area on the canvas using the context.fillText() method.

context.font = '16px Arial';
context.fillStyle = 'Black';
context.fillText('The area is ' + area + '.', 10, 40);

Change the values passed into the calculateArea() function to see what happens. The function should automatically re-calculate the area drawn on the canvas.

To learn more about variables, visit the Variables lesson.

Quick Reference: Variables

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_example3'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); function calculateArea(w, h) { var area = w * h; return area; } var area = calculateArea(200, 100); context.font = '16px Arial'; context.fillStyle = 'Black'; context.fillText('The area is ' + area + '.', 10, 40);
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

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Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Challenge 4

Define a function named randomIntegerFrom0To255() to calculate and return a random integer from 0 to 255.

The Math object has a set of functions that other programmers have defined for us to use. Here is a full list of available math functions.

To calculate a random integer from 0 to 255, we will use the Math.random() function, which returns a random number from 0 to 1, but not including 1. By multiplying the value returned by the Math.random() function by 256, we will have a random number from 0 to 256, but not including 256. Then, to round that value down to an integer, we pass that value into the Math.floor() function. We want to round down because we don't want to round up to 256.

Here is what the code for the calculation looks like on one line:

var i = Math.floor( 256 * Math.random() );

The random integer from 0 to 255 is stored in the local variable i, which is what we want to return at the end of the function.

Call the randomIntegerFrom0To255() function and store its return value in a global variable. Then, draw the value stored in this global variable on the canvas at (10, 40) by passing it into the context.fillText() method. Every time you run the program, a new random integer from 0 to 255 should be drawn. If your program seems to be working, mark the challenge as complete by selecting "Yes, it looks good".

To learn more about rounding and generating random numbers, visit the round() / floor() / ceil() and random() lesson.

Quick Reference: Variables random() round() / floor() / ceil()

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_challenge4'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // DEFINE THE randomIntegerFrom0To255() FUNCTION HERE // CALL THE randomIntegerFrom0To255() FUNCTION AND STORE ITS RETURN VALUE HERE context.font = '16px Arial'; context.fillStyle = 'Black'; context.fillText('', 10, 40); // EDIT THIS FUNCTION CALL TO DRAW THE RANDOM INTEGER ON THE CANVAS AT (10, 40)
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas
Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Call Functions from Inside of Other Functions

So far, we have been defining a function and calling it from the global scope (outside of any function). But it is possible to call one function from inside of another function.

In this example, we define four separate functions. The drawRectangleWithArea() function has four parameters that it uses to draw a green rectangle. It then calls the calculateMidPoint() function twice to calculate the coordinates for the center of the rectangle, storing those values in the local variables midX and midY. Finally, it passes the values of midX, midY, w, and h into the printArea() function.

function drawRectangleWithArea(x, y, w, h) {;
  context.fillStyle = 'MediumSeaGreen';
  context.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
  var midX = calculateMidPoint(x, x + w);
  var midY = calculateMidPoint(y, y + h);
  printArea(midX, midY, w, h);

The calculateMidPoint() function has two parameters, a and b. It calculates the average of a and b, and returns the value using a return statement. Note that we aren't storing the average in a local variable and then returning the value of that variable. We are just returning the value directly, cutting out an unneccesary step.

function calculateMidPoint(a, b) {
  return (a + b) / 2;

The printArea() function has four parameters. It passes the value of w and h into the calculateArea() function and stores the return value in the local variable area. It then sets a few properties the context uses to format text and calls the context.fillText() method to draw a string of text with the value of area at the coordinates (x, y), which is the midpoint of the rectangle.

function printArea(x, y, w, h) {
  var area = calculateArea(w, h);;
  context.font = '16px Arial';
  context.fillStyle = 'Black';
  context.textAlign = 'center';
  context.textBaseline = 'middle';
  context.fillText('My area is ' + area, x, y);

The calculateArea() function calculates the area of a rectangle using the values stored in parameters w and h, and returns the value. Again, we are cutting out a step by returning the value of the area directly.

function calculateArea(w, h) {
  return w * h;

At this point, we have defined four functions. All four functions have a global scope because their function definitions have been declared at the top level of the program, not inside of another function. And because each function has a global scope, we can access and call them from inside any other function. That's why we can call the calculateMidPoint() and printArea() functions from inside the drawRectangleWithArea() function, and we can call the calculateArea() function from inside the printArea() function.

Although we have defined our four functions, our program isn't doing anything. It's stored references to the canvas and the canvas's context in the global variables canvas and context, respectively, but that's it. We still need to call the drawRectangleWithArea() function:

drawRectangleWithArea(60, 40, 100, 80);

This draws a green rectangle and prints the area at its midpoint.

Change the position and dimensions of the rectangle being passed into the drawRectangleWithArea() function. The drawing will automatically update to draw the new rectangle and print its area at its midpoint.

Visit the relevant lessons to learn more about, context.fillRect(), context.fillStyle, variables, and the context's coordinate system.

Quick Reference: Coordinates Variables fillRect() fillStyle save() / restore()

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_example4'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); function drawRectangleWithArea(x, y, w, h) {; context.fillStyle = 'MediumSeaGreen'; context.fillRect(x, y, w, h); var midX = calculateMidPoint(x, x + w); var midY = calculateMidPoint(y, y + h); printArea(midX, midY, w, h); context.restore(); } function calculateMidPoint(a, b) { return (a + b) / 2; } function printArea(x, y, w, h) { var area = calculateArea(w, h);; context.font = '16px Arial'; context.fillStyle = 'Black'; context.textAlign = 'center'; context.textBaseline = 'middle'; context.fillText('My area is ' + area, x, y); context.restore(); } function calculateArea(w, h) { return w * h; } drawRectangleWithArea(60, 40, 100, 80);
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas
Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Challenge 5

Copy the code you wrote for the randomIntegerFrom0To255() function in Challenge 4. You are going to use that function to draw random rectangles with random colors.

In the definition for the randomColor() function, declare three local variables named r, g, and b, and use them to store three random integers from 0 to 255. We will use those three values to return a text string describing a color in rgb() notation.

In the definition for the drawRandomRectangle() function, declare two local variables named w and h, and use them to store two random integers from 0 to 255. Store a random color in the context.fillStyle property. Then, use the context.fillRect() method to draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of w and a height of h.

Finally, call the drawRandomRectangle() function to draw one or more random rectangles on the canvas. Every time you run the program, the dimensions and color of the rectangles should change. If your program seems to be working, mark the challenge as complete by selecting "Yes, it looks good".

Quick Reference: Coordinates Variables fillRect() fillStyle save() / restore() random() round() / floor() / ceil()

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_challenge5'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); function randomIntegerFrom0To255() { // PASTE YOUR CODE FROM CHALLENGE 3 HERE } function randomColor() { // DECLARE THREE LOCAL VARIABLES NAMED r, g, AND b // USE THE VARIABLES TO STORE THREE RANDOM INTEGERS FROM 0 TO 255 return 'rgb(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ')'; } function drawRandomRectangle(x, y) { // DECLARE TWO LOCAL VARIABLES NAMED w AND h // USE THE VARIABLES TO STORE TWO RANDOM INTEGERS FROM 0 TO 255; // STORE A RANDOM COLOR IN THE context.fillStyle PROPERTY // USE THE context.fillRect() METHOD TO DRAW A RECTANGLE AT (x, y) AND WITH WIDTH w AND HEIGHT h context.restore(); } // DRAW A RANDOM RECTANGLE AT SOME POSITION
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas
Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Make Programs Easier to Read and Maintain

Functions are helpful because they make it possible for us to re-use a block of code instead of typing it each time we need it. However, there are other important reasons to use functions.

Take a look at the function definition we created to draw sandwiches:

function drawSandwich(x, y) {;
  context.fillStyle = '#F5DEB3';
  context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 30);
  context.fillRect(x, y + 80, 200, 30);
  context.fillStyle = '#663300';
  context.fillRect(x + 10, y + 30, 180, 50);
  context.fillStyle = '#FFD700';
  context.fillRect(x, y + 42, 200, 8);
  context.fillRect(x, y + 60, 200, 8);

It's difficult to know what the function is doing just by glancing at it. If this was someone else's function or a function we had defined a long time ago, we would have to go through it carefully line by line to figure it out.

Now take a look at the same function re-written by calling other functions:

function drawSandwich(x, y) {;
  drawBread(x, y);
  drawRoastBeef(x + 10, y + 30);
  drawCheeseSlice(x, y + 42);
  drawCheeseSlice(x, y + 60);
  drawBread(x, y + 80);

The function is much easier to read and understand, and it is also much easier to maintain. For example, if we want to update our cheese slices, we can do it in one place in the program, instead of in multiple places scattered throughout the program.

Quick Reference: Coordinates Variables fillRect() fillStyle save() / restore()

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_example5'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); drawSandwich(125, 20); drawSandwich(20, 130); drawSandwich(230, 130); function drawSandwich(x, y) {; drawBread(x, y); drawRoastBeef(x + 10, y + 30); drawCheeseSlice(x, y + 42); drawCheeseSlice(x, y + 60); drawBread(x, y + 80); context.restore(); } function drawBread(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#F5DEB3'; context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 30); context.restore(); } function drawRoastBeef(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#663300'; context.fillRect(x, y, 180, 50); context.restore(); } function drawCheeseSlice(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#FFD700'; context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 8); context.restore(); }
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas
Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Pass Functions into Other Functions

Besides calling functions from inside of other functions, we can also pass functions into other functions and store them in parameters.

Why would we want to do that? Well, when we define function a() to call function b(), we are hardcoding function a() to call function b(). Most of the time, that's what we want. But sometimes we want function a() to a call a function to be determined later.

In this example, we define the drawPlate() function, which has three parameters:

function drawPlate(x, y, drawFood) {;
  context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF';
  context.strokeStyle = '#999999';
  context.fillRect(x - 120, y - 20, 240, 20);
  context.strokeRect(x - 120, y - 20, 240, 20);
  if (drawFood === undefined) {
  drawFood(x, y - 20);

The parameters x and y are the coordinates of the bottom center point of the plate. We draw a white rectangle with a gray outline centered at x and sitting on top of y.

Then, we do something odd. We check if the parameter drawFood is undefined. If a variable is undefined, it means a value was never assigned to it. If that's the case here, we are going to end the function with a return statement. There are other ways we could have done this, but we wanted to show you how to end a function early.

If drawFood is not undefined, then we call it as a function. Notice the parentheses () after the parameter name. We are calling it as a function and passing it the coordinates of the top center point of the plate. This is where we want the food drawn on the plate to be positioned.

To draw a sandwich on top of a plate, we have refactored the drawSandwich() function so it now draws the sandwich centered at the parameter x and on top of y.

function drawSandwich(x, y) {;
  drawBread(x - 100, y - 110);
  drawRoastBeef(x - 90, y - 80);
  drawCheeseSlice(x - 100, y - 68);
  drawCheeseSlice(x - 100, y - 50);
  drawBread(x -100, y - 30);

To draw a piece of cake on top of a plate, we have defined the drawCake() function:

function drawCake(x, y) {;
  context.fillStyle = '#FFFF00';
  context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 180, 180);
  context.fillStyle = '#CD853F';
  context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 8, 180, 8);
  context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 51, 180, 8);
  context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 94, 180, 8);
  context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 137, 180, 8);
  context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 180, 8);
  context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 8, 180);

Putting everything together, we draw one plate with a piece of cake and one plate with a sandwich by calling:

drawPlate(140, 240, drawCake);
drawPlate(400, 240, drawSandwich);

Note that we are passing the name of the drawCake() or drawSandwich() function without putting parentheses () after them. We use parentheses to call a function. Here we are treating the function name as a variable that we are passing into the drawPlate() function to be called later. If we don't pass in a function at all, the plate will be drawn empty.

When we call the drawCake() or drawSandwich() functions inside of the drawPlate() function after passing them into the function as arguments, they behave as local functions that have been declared inside of the drawPlate() function, not as global functions. This means they have access to the local variables declared inside of the drawPlate() function.

Quick Reference: Coordinates Variables fillRect() fillStyle save() / restore()

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_example6'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); drawPlate(140, 240, drawCake); drawPlate(400, 240, drawSandwich); function drawPlate(x, y, drawFood) {; context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; context.strokeStyle = '#999999'; context.fillRect(x - 120, y - 20, 240, 20); context.strokeRect(x - 120, y - 20, 240, 20); context.restore(); if (drawFood === undefined) { return; } drawFood(x, y - 20); } function drawCake(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#FFFF00'; context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 180, 180); context.fillStyle = '#CD853F'; context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 8, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 51, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 94, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 137, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 8, 180); context.restore(); } function drawSandwich(x, y) {; drawBread(x - 100, y - 110); drawRoastBeef(x - 90, y - 80); drawCheeseSlice(x - 100, y - 68); drawCheeseSlice(x - 100, y - 50); drawBread(x -100, y - 30); context.restore(); } function drawBread(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#F5DEB3'; context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 30); context.restore(); } function drawRoastBeef(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#663300'; context.fillRect(x, y, 180, 50); context.restore(); } function drawCheeseSlice(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#FFD700'; context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 8); context.restore(); }
Message Log
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But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

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Canvas (your drawing will display here)

Anonymous Functions

In JavaScript, we can also define anonymous functions.

In this example, we will draw a purple square on a plate by passing the drawPlate() function an anonymous function.

drawPlate(140, 240, function(x, y) {;
  context.fillStyle = 'Purple';
  context.fillRect(x - 60, y - 120, 120, 120);

We could have defined a drawPurpleSquare() function and passed it into the drawPlate() function by name, but sometimes we don't want to bother naming a function we will only use once.

It is also possible to save an anonymous function in a variable to be called later:

var drawPurpleSquare = function(x, y) {;
  context.fillStyle = 'Purple';
  context.fillRect(x - 60, y - 120, 120, 120);

When a function is declared with a name, it is automatically stored in a variable with the same name. But in JavaScript, functions are actually objects, so we can store them and pass them like any other object.

Quick Reference: Coordinates Variables fillRect() fillStyle save() / restore()

Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('functions_example7'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); drawPlate(140, 240, function(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = 'Purple'; context.fillRect(x - 60, y - 120, 120, 120); context.restore(); }); function drawPlate(x, y, drawFood) {; context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; context.strokeStyle = '#999999'; context.fillRect(x - 120, y - 20, 240, 20); context.strokeRect(x - 120, y - 20, 240, 20); context.restore(); if (drawFood === undefined) { return; } drawFood(x, y - 20); } function drawCake(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#FFFF00'; context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 180, 180); context.fillStyle = '#CD853F'; context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 8, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 51, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 94, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 137, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 180, 8); context.fillRect(x - 90, y - 180, 8, 180); context.restore(); } function drawSandwich(x, y) {; drawBread(x - 100, y - 110); drawRoastBeef(x - 90, y - 80); drawCheeseSlice(x - 100, y - 68); drawCheeseSlice(x - 100, y - 50); drawBread(x -100, y - 30); context.restore(); } function drawBread(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#F5DEB3'; context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 30); context.restore(); } function drawRoastBeef(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#663300'; context.fillRect(x, y, 180, 50); context.restore(); } function drawCheeseSlice(x, y) {; context.fillStyle = '#FFD700'; context.fillRect(x, y, 200, 8); context.restore(); }
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