Flappy Square
A simplified version of the popular "Flappy Bird" mobile game. Demonstrates basic animation and event handling.
Canvas (your drawing will display here)
Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('flappy_square_stage4_challenge4'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var interval; var gravity = 1; var distance = 0; var square = { size: 15, x: 50, y: 100, jump: 10, yVelocity: 0 }; var boundary = { minX: 25, minY: 25, maxX: 450, maxY: 300 }; var walls = { minHole: 70, maxHole: 120, width: 50, spacing: 125, positions: [] }; function drawTitle() { context.save(); context.font = "15px serif"; context.textBaseline = 'bottom'; context.fillText('Flappy Square', boundary.minX, boundary.minY); context.restore(); } function drawScore() { context.save(); context.font = "15px serif"; context.textBaseline = 'bottom'; context.textAlign = 'right'; var score = Math.floor(distance / 10); context.fillText('Score: ' + score, boundary.maxX, boundary.minY); context.restore(); } function drawBoundary() { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(boundary.minX, boundary.minY); context.lineTo(boundary.minX, boundary.maxY); context.lineTo(boundary.maxX, boundary.maxY); context.lineTo(boundary.maxX, boundary.minY); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } function random(floor, ceil) { return floor + Math.floor(Math.random() * (ceil - floor)); } function drawWalls() { var lastX = 0; if (walls.positions.length > 0) { lastX = walls.positions[walls.positions.length - 1].x; } var start = boundary.minX + distance - walls.spacing; var end = boundary.maxX + distance + walls.spacing; var height = boundary.maxY - boundary.minY; while (lastX < end) { lastX += random(100, 200); var topHeight = random(25, 150); var bottomHeight = random(25, 150); if (height - topHeight - bottomHeight < walls.minHole) { bottomHeight = height - topHeight - walls.minHole; } if (height - topHeight - bottomHeight > walls.maxHole) { bottomHeight = height - topHeight - walls.maxHole; } var wall = { x: lastX, topHeight: topHeight, bottomHeight: bottomHeight }; walls.positions.push(wall); } for (var i=0; i < walls.positions.length; ++i) { var wall = walls.positions[i]; context.save(); context.fillStyle = 'green'; context.translate(wall.x - distance, 0); context.save(); context.translate(0, boundary.minY); context.fillRect(0, 0, walls.width, wall.topHeight); context.restore(); context.save(); context.translate(0, boundary.maxY - wall.bottomHeight); context.fillRect(0, 0, walls.width, wall.bottomHeight); context.restore(); context.restore(); } } function drawSquare() { context.save(); context.fillStyle = 'red'; context.fillRect(square.x, square.y, square.size, square.size); context.restore(); } function flap(e) { square.yVelocity = square.jump; } function adjustPosition() { distance += 2; square.yVelocity -= gravity; square.y -= square.yVelocity; } function clearBoundary() { context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, boundary.minY); context.clearRect(0, boundary.maxY, canvas.width, canvas.height - boundary.maxY); context.clearRect(boundary.maxX, 0, canvas.width - boundary.maxX, canvas.height); context.clearRect(0, 0, boundary.minX, canvas.height); } function checkWalls() { var left = square.x; var right = square.x + square.size; var top = square.y; var bottom = square.y + square.size; for (var i=0; i < walls.positions.length; ++i) { var wall = walls.positions[i]; var wallLeft = wall.x - distance; var wallRight = wallLeft + walls.width; if (wallLeft > right) continue; if (wallRight < left) continue; var topWallBottom = boundary.minY + wall.topHeight; var bottomWallTop = boundary.maxY - wall.bottomHeight; if (top < topWallBottom || bottom > bottomWallTop) { endGame(); } } } function checkBoundary() { if (square.y > boundary.maxY) { endGame(); } } function endGame() { context.save(); context.font = "20px serif"; context.textAlign = 'center'; var xCenter = ((boundary.maxX - boundary.minX) / 2) + boundary.minX; var yCenter = ((boundary.maxY - boundary.minY) / 2) + boundary.minY; context.fillText('Game Over', xCenter, yCenter); context.restore(); pauseAnimation(); } function programSteps() { context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); adjustPosition(); drawBoundary(); drawWalls(); drawSquare(); clearBoundary(); drawTitle(); drawScore(); checkBoundary(); checkWalls(); } function runProgram() { interval = setInterval(programSteps, 50); } canvas.addEventListener('click', flap); // The following code is provided for you. // It creates an eventListener that listens // for the canvas to come into "focus", which // happens when you click on it. // This allows us to stop and start each individual // animation on this whole page separately. function startAnimation() { runProgram(); } function pauseAnimation() { clearInterval(interval); } canvas.addEventListener('focus', startAnimation); canvas.addEventListener('blur', pauseAnimation); canvas.focus();
Message Log
This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas