Cartwheeling Stickman
A stickman cartwheeling through a field of flowers. Somewhat rough code, but good demonstration of artistic observations animated.
Canvas (your drawing will display here)
Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('example_drawings_cartwheeling_stickman_canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var xA, yA, xB, yB, xC, yC, xD, yD, xE, yE, stickmanX; var stickmanData; var deltaX, deltaY, horizon, scale; var yPetal, rPetal, petalColor, rCenter, centerColor, flowerCount; var cloudX, h, w, r1, r2, r3, r4, cloudContext; var frame, bFrame, cFrame, dFrame, eFrame, timerInterval, timer; var backgroundCanvas; function initFieldCanvas() { deltaX = 150; deltaY = 240; horizon = 210; yPetal = 40; rPetal = 24; petalColor = "rgba(255, 153, 51, 1)"; rCenter = 24; centerColor = "rgba(255, 255, 51, 1)"; cloudX = -150; newCloud = false; stickmanX = -150; initCloud(); initBackground(); initStickmanData(); frame = 0; timerInterval = 50; timer = setInterval(animatePage, timerInterval); } function initBackground() { backgroundCanvas = document.createElement('CANVAS'); backgroundCanvas.width = canvas.width; backgroundCanvas.height = canvas.height; var backgroundContext = backgroundCanvas.getContext("2d"); drawBackground(backgroundContext); backgroundContext.translate(0, horizon); drawFlowerField(backgroundContext); } function initCloud() { if (cloudContext) { cloudContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } else { var cloudCanvas = document.createElement('CANVAS'); cloudCanvas.width = canvas.width; cloudCanvas.height = canvas.height; cloudContext = cloudCanvas.getContext("2d"); } h = 80; w = Math.round(h * 0.5 * (3 + Math.random())); r1 = Math.round(h * 0.25 * (2 + Math.random())); r2 = Math.round(h * 0.25 * (2 + Math.random())); r3 = Math.round(h * 0.25 * (2 + Math.random())); r4 = Math.round(h * 0.25 * (2 + Math.random())); cloudColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"; drawCloud(true); } function initStickmanData() { var a, b, c, d, e; xA = 110; yA = 170; xB = 160; yB = 180; xC = 360; yC = 160; xD = 560; yD = 180; xE = 610; yE = 170; bFrame = 10; cFrame = 25; dFrame = 40; eFrame = 50; stickmanData = [ {a: 0, b: 50, c: 180, d: 310, e: 360, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0}, {a: 120, b: 130, c: 140, d: 80, e: 120, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0}, {a: -120, b: -80, c: -140, d: -130, e: -120, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0}, {a: 0, b: 30, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0}, {a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: -30, e: 0, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0}, {a: 30, b: 10, c: 60, d: 90, e: 30, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0}, {a: -30, b: -90, c: -60, d: -10, e: -30, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0}, {a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: -80, e: 0, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0}, {a: 0, b: 80, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0, ab: 0, bc: 0, cd: 0, de: 0} ]; for (var i = 0; i < stickmanData.length; i++) { stickmanData[i].ab = (stickmanData[i].b - stickmanData[i].a) / bFrame; stickmanData[i].bc = (stickmanData[i].c - stickmanData[i].b) / (cFrame - bFrame); stickmanData[i].cd = (stickmanData[i].d - stickmanData[i].c) / (dFrame - cFrame); stickmanData[i].de = (stickmanData[i].e - stickmanData[i].d) / (eFrame - dFrame); } } function animatePage() { context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.drawImage(backgroundCanvas, 0, 0); animateCloud(); animateStickman(); if (timer != null) { frame += 2; if (frame == eFrame) stickmanX += 500; if (stickmanX >= canvas.width * 2) stickmanX -= Math.floor(canvas.width * 3); frame = frame % eFrame; } } function animateStickman() { var i, x, y; var stickmanPose = new Array(); if (frame <= bFrame) { for (i = 0; i < stickmanData.length; i++) { x = xA + (xB - xA) * frame / bFrame; y = yA + (yB - yA) * frame / bFrame; stickmanPose[i] = stickmanData[i].a + stickmanData[i].ab * frame; } } else if (frame <= cFrame) { for (i = 0; i < stickmanData.length; i++) { x = xB + (xC - xB) * (frame - bFrame) / (cFrame - bFrame); y = yB + (yC - yB) * (frame - bFrame) / (cFrame - bFrame); stickmanPose[i] = stickmanData[i].b + stickmanData[i].bc * (frame - bFrame); } } else if (frame <= dFrame) { for (i = 0; i < stickmanData.length; i++) { x = xC + (xD - xC) * (frame - cFrame) / (dFrame - cFrame); y = yC + (yD - yC) * (frame - cFrame) / (dFrame - cFrame); stickmanPose[i] = stickmanData[i].c + stickmanData[i].cd * (frame - cFrame); } } else if (frame <= eFrame) { for (i = 0; i < stickmanData.length; i++) { x = xD + (xE - xD) * (frame - dFrame) / (eFrame - dFrame); y = yD + (yE - yD) * (frame - dFrame) / (eFrame - dFrame); stickmanPose[i] = stickmanData[i].d + stickmanData[i].de * (frame - dFrame); } } x = x + stickmanX;; context.scale(0.5, 0.5); context.translate(x, y + 300); context.lineWidth = 4; drawStickman(stickmanPose); context.restore(); } function animateCloud() { drawCloud(); cloudX = cloudX + 4; if (cloudX >= canvas.width) { initCloud(); cloudX = -270; } } function drawStickman(pose) { var stickWidth = 2; var stickmanColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; var x = 160; var y = 160; var torsoLength = 100; var headRadius = 30; var upperArmLength = 60; var lowerArmLength = 50; var upperLegLength = 80; var lowerLegLength = 60; var torsoAngle = pose[0] * Math.PI / 180; var rightUpperArmAngle = pose[1] * Math.PI / 180; var leftUpperArmAngle = pose[2] * Math.PI / 180; var rightLowerArmAngle = pose[3] * Math.PI / 180; var leftLowerArmAngle = pose[4] * Math.PI / 180; var rightUpperLegAngle = pose[5] * Math.PI / 180; var leftUpperLegAngle = pose[6] * Math.PI / 180; var rightLowerLegAngle = pose[7] * Math.PI / 180; var leftLowerLegAngle = pose[8] * Math.PI / 180;; //context.lineWidth = stickWidth; context.strokeStyle = stickmanColor; // Draw torso context.rotate(torsoAngle); context.translate(0, -4 * torsoLength / 5); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, torsoLength); context.stroke(); // Draw head context.beginPath(); context.arc(0, -headRadius, headRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); context.stroke(); // Move origin to shoulders context.translate(0, torsoLength / 5);; // Draw right upper arm context.rotate(rightUpperArmAngle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, upperArmLength); context.stroke(); // Move origin to right elbow context.translate(0, upperArmLength); // Draw right lower arm context.rotate(rightLowerArmAngle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, lowerArmLength); context.stroke(); // Move origin back to shoulders context.restore();; // Draw left upper arm context.rotate(leftUpperArmAngle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, upperArmLength); context.stroke(); // Move origin to left elbow context.translate(0, upperArmLength); // Draw left lower arm context.rotate(leftLowerArmAngle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, lowerArmLength); context.stroke(); // Move origin to hip context.restore(); context.translate(0, 4 * torsoLength / 5);; // Draw right upper leg context.rotate(rightUpperLegAngle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, upperLegLength); context.stroke(); // Move origin to right knee context.translate(0, upperLegLength); // Draw right lower leg context.rotate(rightLowerLegAngle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, lowerLegLength); context.stroke(); // Move origin back to hip context.restore(); // Draw left upper leg context.rotate(leftUpperLegAngle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, upperLegLength); context.stroke(); // Move origin to left knee context.translate(0, upperLegLength); // Draw left lower leg context.rotate(leftLowerLegAngle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, lowerLegLength); context.stroke(); // Restore context back to original state context.restore(); } function drawBackground(backgroundContext) { var skyGradient, sunGradient, fieldGradient; skyGradient = backgroundContext.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 240); skyGradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(51, 51, 255, 1)'); skyGradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(204, 204, 255, 1)'); backgroundContext.fillStyle = skyGradient; backgroundContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, 240); sunGradient = backgroundContext.createRadialGradient(canvas.width, 0, 100, canvas.width, 0, 200); sunGradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255, 255, 51, 1)'); sunGradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)'); backgroundContext.fillStyle = sunGradient; backgroundContext.beginPath(); backgroundContext.moveTo(canvas.width, 0); backgroundContext.lineTo(canvas.width, 200); backgroundContext.arcTo(canvas.width/3, 200, canvas.width/3, 0, 200); backgroundContext.fill(); fieldGradient = backgroundContext.createLinearGradient(0, 480, 0, 240); fieldGradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0, 204, 0, 1)'); fieldGradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(153, 204, 153, 1)'); backgroundContext.fillStyle = fieldGradient; backgroundContext.fillRect(0, 240, canvas.width, 240); } function drawFlowerField(backgroundContext) {; scaleRow = Math.ceil(canvas.width / deltaX); var rows = 8; totalFlowers = (scaleRow * ((rows * (rows + 1)) / 2)); for (flowerCount = 0; flowerCount < totalFlowers; flowerCount++) { switch(flowerCount) { case 0: scale = 1 / 8; initNewRow(backgroundContext); break; case (totalFlowers - (scaleRow * 28)): scale = 1 / 7; initNewRow(backgroundContext); break; case (totalFlowers - (scaleRow * 21)): scale = 1 / 6; initNewRow(backgroundContext); break; case (totalFlowers - (scaleRow * 15)): scale = 1 / 5; initNewRow(backgroundContext); break; case (totalFlowers - (scaleRow * 10)): scale = 1 / 4; initNewRow(backgroundContext); break; case (totalFlowers - (scaleRow * 6)): scale = 1 / 3; initNewRow(backgroundContext); break; case (totalFlowers - (scaleRow * 3)): scale = 1 / 2; initNewRow(backgroundContext); break; case (totalFlowers - scaleRow): scale = 1; initNewRow(backgroundContext); break; default: initNewFlower(backgroundContext); } drawFlower(backgroundContext, 0); } backgroundContext.restore(); } function initNewRow(backgroundContext) { if (flowerCount > 0) { backgroundContext.restore();; } backgroundContext.scale(scale, scale); backgroundContext.translate(deltaX / 2, deltaY); } function initNewFlower(backgroundContext) { backgroundContext.translate(deltaX, 0); } function drawFlower(backgroundContext, color) { var i; var spaceX, spaceY; if (color == 0) { color = 1 + Math.floor(3 * Math.random()); }; switch(color) { case 1: // purple petalColor = 'rgba(204, 102, 255, 1)'; break; case 2: // red petalColor = 'rgba(255, 102, 153, 1)'; break; case 3: // orange petalColor = 'rgba(255, 153, 51, 1)'; break; } backgroundContext.fillStyle = petalColor; spaceX = deltaX - 128; spaceY = 16; backgroundContext.translate(spaceX * (Math.random() - 0.5), spaceY * (Math.random() - 0.5)); backgroundContext.rotate(Math.random() * Math.PI / 6); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { drawPetal(backgroundContext); backgroundContext.rotate(Math.PI / 3); } drawCenter(backgroundContext); backgroundContext.restore(); } function drawCloud(init) { if (init) {; cloudContext.translate(140, 60); cloudContext.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"; cloudContext.fillRect(-w / 2, 0, w, h); cloudContext.beginPath(); cloudContext.arc(-w / 2, h - r1, r1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); cloudContext.fill(); cloudContext.beginPath(); cloudContext.arc(w / 2, h - r2, r2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); cloudContext.fill(); cloudContext.beginPath(); cloudContext.arc(-w / 2 + r3, 0, r3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); cloudContext.fill(); cloudContext.beginPath(); cloudContext.arc(w / 2 - r4, 0, r4, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); cloudContext.fill(); cloudContext.restore(); } else {; context.translate(cloudX, 0); context.globalAlpha = 0.9 context.drawImage(cloudContext.canvas, 0, 0); context.restore(); } } function drawPetal(backgroundContext) { backgroundContext.beginPath(); backgroundContext.arc(0, yPetal, rPetal, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); backgroundContext.fill(); } function drawCenter(backgroundContext) { backgroundContext.fillStyle = centerColor; backgroundContext.beginPath(); backgroundContext.arc(0, 0, rCenter, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); backgroundContext.fill(); } initFieldCanvas();
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