Bouncing Collisions
A rudimentary animation of squares bouncing into each other. An example of tracking collisions, although needs to be cleaned up.
Canvas (your drawing will display here)
Editor (write code below)
var canvas = document.getElementById('flappy_square_stage3_lesson2'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var interval; var count = 15; var size = 20; var boxes = []; var boundary = { minX: 25, minY: 25, maxX: 450, maxY: 300 }; function overlaps(x, y, size, buffer) { if (!buffer) buffer = 0; var minX = x - buffer; var minY = y - buffer; var maxX = x + size + buffer; var maxY = y + size + buffer; for (var i=0; i< boxes.length; ++i) { var box = boxes[i]; if (box.x == x && box.y == y) continue; var minBoxX = box.x - buffer; var minBoxY = box.y - buffer; var maxBoxX = box.x + size + buffer; var maxBoxY = box.y + size + buffer; var left = (minX <= maxBoxX && minX >= minBoxX); var right = (maxX >= minBoxX && maxX <= maxBoxX); var top = (minY <= maxBoxY && minY >= minBoxY); var bottom = (maxY >= minBoxY && maxY <= maxBoxY); if ((left || right) && (top || bottom)) { var leftOverlap = maxBoxX - minX; var rightOverlap = maxX - minBoxX; var topOverlap = maxBoxY - minY; var bottomOverlap = maxY - minBoxY; var overlaps = [ (left ? leftOverlap : 9999), (right ? rightOverlap : 9999), (top ? topOverlap : 9999), (bottom ? bottomOverlap : 9999) ]; var info = {box: box}; switch(Math.min.apply(null, overlaps)) { case leftOverlap: info.direction = 'left'; break; case rightOverlap: info.direction = 'right'; break; case topOverlap: info.direction = 'top'; break; case bottomOverlap: info.direction = 'bottom'; break; } return info; } } return false; } function checkBoundary(x, y, size, buffer) { if (!buffer) buffer = 0; outOfBounds = {}; if (x + size + buffer > canvas.width) { outOfBounds.right = true; } else if (x < 0) { outOfBounds.left = true; } if (y + size + buffer > canvas.height) { outOfBounds.bottom = true; } else if (y < 0) { = true; } return outOfBounds; } function random(floor, ceil) { return floor + Math.floor(Math.random() * ((ceil + 1) - floor)); } function generateRandomPosition() { var x; var y; do { x = random(boundary.minX, boundary.maxX); y = random(boundary.minY, boundary.maxY); } while (overlaps(x, y, size, size)); return {x: x, y: y}; } function generateBoxes() { for (var i=0; i< count; ++i) { var position = generateRandomPosition(); boxes.push({ x: position.x, y: position.y, xVelocity: [random(2, 6), random(-2, -6)][random(0, 1)], yVelocity: [random(2, 6), random(-2, -6)][random(0, 1)], collidedWith: {} }); } } function adjustPositions() { for (var i=0; i< count; ++i) { boxes[i].x += boxes[i].xVelocity; boxes[i].y += boxes[i].yVelocity; var collision = overlaps(boxes[i].x, boxes[i].y, size); if (collision) { if ([i] > 0) {[i] -= 1; } else {[i] = 5; var newVelocity; switch(collision.direction) { case 'left': case 'right': newVelocity =; = boxes[i].xVelocity; boxes[i].xVelocity = newVelocity; break; case 'top': case 'bottom': newVelocity =; = boxes[i].yVelocity; boxes[i].yVelocity = newVelocity; break; } } } else { boxes[i].collidedWith = {}; } var boundary = checkBoundary(boxes[i].x, boxes[i].y, size); if (Object.keys(boundary).length > 0) { if (boundary.left || boundary.right) { if (boundary.left) boxes[i].x = 1; if (boundary.right) boxes[i].x = canvas.width - size - 1; boxes[i].xVelocity = boxes[i].xVelocity * -1; } if ( || boundary.bottom) { if ( boxes[i].y = 1; if (boundary.bottom) boxes[i].y = canvas.height - size - 1; boxes[i].yVelocity = boxes[i].yVelocity * -1; } } } } function drawBoxes() { for (var i=0; i< count; ++i) { var box = boxes[i];; context.translate(box.x, box.y); context.fillRect(0, 0, size, size); context.fillStyle = 'white'; context.font = "10px serif"; context.textAlign = 'center'; context.textBaseline="middle"; context.fillText(i + 1, size/2, size/2); context.restore(); } } function runProgram() { context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); adjustPositions(); drawBoxes(); } function startAnimation() { interval = setInterval(runProgram, 50); } function pauseAnimation() { clearInterval(interval); context.font = "20px serif"; context.textAlign = 'center'; context.fillText('Click on the canvas to start the animation.', canvas.width / 2, 50); } canvas.addEventListener('focus', startAnimation); canvas.addEventListener('blur', pauseAnimation); generateBoxes(); pauseAnimation();
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This is a lesson, not a challenge, the code runs automatically.

But change it! Play with it! Click "Run" to see your changes.

Run and Focus Canvas